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Garden Talks

Join us as Master Gardener DMae Ceryes shares some of the most common garden myths, the theories behind them, and what research tells us about their effectiveness.

Tuesday, July 2

12-1 PM

at Detroit Lakes Public Library

Join us on the first Tuesday of the month for our Master Gardener series, presented by U of M Extension Becker County Master Gardeners. Master Gardeners are University of Minnesota-trained volunteers whose mission is to educate the public about a variety of horticulture subjects using readily-available, up-to-date research-based information. The Master Gardener Program educational effort is designed to enhance the public’s quality of life and to promote good stewardship of the environment.

July’s presentation will feature common garden myths. Does adding eggshells to your garden add calcium to the soil? Are Epsom salts a good fertilizer? Do coffee grounds sprinkled around plants give them a pick-me-up like coffee does for humans? The internet is full of garden hacks and garden information that is not necessarily research-based. This presentation will consider some of the most common garden myths, the theories behind them, and what research tells us about their effectiveness. There will be time for questions and sharing in addition to the presentation. This program is offered free-of-charge and will be facilitated by Master Gardener DMae Ceryes.

See full details here.

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