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Lake Agassiz Regional Library’s hoopla Service to End January 31

As part of a continuous effort to evaluate and improve services, the Lake Agassiz Regional Library (LARL) will discontinue its subscription to hoopla. This decision is made due to a cost-per-transaction model that is unsustainable for the library’s budget, which has resulted in a disproportionate cost-per-user. This is in conflict with our mission to provide equitable service to all.

We understand this may be disappointing to customers, however it is no longer sustainable. Instead, LARL will direct funds to enhance the eBook and audiobook app, Libby.

The change will take effect January 31. LARL will continue offering a variety of resources in its Digital Library, including eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines via the Libby app, digital titles via Ebooks Minnesota and popular newspapers via ProQuest.

To get started using Libby, download the Libby App. Additional help using Libby can be found here.

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