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Lake Agassiz Regional Library (LARL) provides computer use to Library customers through its branch libraries and LINK Sites. Access is intended to ensure equitable access to information and resources for residents of the seven-county region.  Customers in any LARL branch may have access to Library public computers regardless of the status of their borrowing privileges or eligibility for a LARL borrower’s card.  Customers in all branches may have a minimum of one hour use of the public computers at initial sign-up.  An additional hour may be granted as long as others are not waiting for computer access.  Customers may consult local staff for public computer sign-up procedures.


Library computers with Internet access will be filtered to meet the requirements of the federal Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Adults 17 years or older may request unfiltered access.

Any computer, including personal laptops, used in a LARL location may be used only for legal purposes and may NOT be used to:

• Display or print graphics that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors in accordance with any applicable federal, state, or local law.
• Violate copyright laws or database license agreements, or engage in other illegal activity.
• Engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating, disruptive or hostile environment.
• Gain unauthorized access to resources or entities.
• Harass, invade the privacy of, or vandalize the data of any other individual(s).
• Degrade, alter, or disrupt equipment or system/network performance intentionally or unintentionally.
• Download, save or install software to the hard drive of any Library computer.
• Gamble, as defined by local, state or federal laws.

User Responsibilities
• Adhere to the Library’s Internet and Computer Use Policy.
• Respect the rights and diverse values of other Library customers.
• It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to monitor their children’s use of the Internet.
• Refrain from viewing sites that are inappropriate in a public setting.
• Follow local branch/LINK Site procedures for computer sign-up.
• Pay for all pages printed.
• Provide personal storage devices.

Violations of the Library’s policy or failure to adhere to local procedures may result in the loss of Internet, computer and/or Library privileges.  Illegal use of computers on Library premises may be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.

Intellectual Freedom
LARL recognizes the right of individuals to determine what information is most appropriate for their needs. Library staff is available to assist in locating information, but it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and make the final decision regarding that information.

Internet Disclaimer Statement
The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information found on the Internet and is not responsible for its content.  The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses or sanctions the content or point of view of any of the information or commentary which may be found on the Internet.  Users must exercise their own critical judgment to evaluate the validity and appropriateness of the information found.

Library Liability
Library customers use the Library’s computer hardware, software, and documentation at their own risk. LARL is not responsible for providing detailed instruction on computer use, equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damage to a user’s equipment, data, or electronic transactions of any type which are related to the public use of Library computer resources.  Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use, and therefore, should be considered public.  The Library accepts no responsibility for ensuring secure access.  However, the Library will not release information on the use of electronic resources by individuals, except as required by law.

USA Patriot Act Warning

Under section 215 of the Federal USA Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56), records of books and other materials borrowed from this Library may be obtained by federal agents.  Federal agents may also track personal Internet usage on Library computers.  This federal law prohibits librarians from informing customers if federal agents have obtained records about them.

Wireless Access
Wireless access is provided free of charge by LARL for customers who have the required hardware and software needed for this service.

  • Wireless users agree to abide by the Internet and Computer Use Policy.
  • Users of wireless equipment are responsible for setting up their own access to LARL’s wireless network.
  • LARL will not assume responsibility for the safety of equipment or data resulting from connection to the wireless network.
  • Virus and security protection is the responsibility of the wireless user.
  • LARL reserves the right to limit bandwidth as necessary, to ensure network reliability and fair sharing of network resources for all users. Users are expected to not use applications that will use large amounts of network bandwidth.
  • Wireless access is provided for use on LARL premises only.

Adopted by the Lake Agassiz Regional Library Board of Trustees, November 1998; Aug. 19, 2004; Sept. 15, 2005, merged with the Wireless Access Policy and revised January 19, 2012; September 17, 2020.

All library locations will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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