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Any resident with an address within the Lake Agassiz Regional Library region, with the exception of those residing within the city limits of East Grand Forks, who shows an acceptable proof of address, may register for a library card at any LARL agency.

  • Persons who own real property in the region and provide proof of such, even though they reside elsewhere, are eligible for a library card. Library cards may also be issued to all members of their families living at the same address. A note will be added to the customer’s record stating that the customer owns property in the LARL region.
  • Youth ages 17 and younger are eligible for a library card with a parent or guardian’s signature.
  • Nursing homes, hospitals, retirement centers, prisons, businesses, childcare providers and other agencies with an address within the region may apply for borrowing privileges for their library needs.
  • Residents who are unable to visit the library due to physical or other disability and live within the region, may apply for borrowing privileges for their homebound library needs.
  • Non-residents with a current valid library card from a library which has a reciprocity agreement with LARL will be entitled to limited library use.
  • Non-residents not otherwise eligible for a library card may apply for a Fee Card by payment of an annual fee. This card entitles the person, and members of their immediate family living at the same address, use of the library for one year from date of issue. Fee Card customers are entitled to limited library use. East Grand Forks residents are eligible for this type of card.

Customers are responsible for materials checked out on their library card and for all charges incurred.  Borrowing privileges are suspended if a certain threshold of overdue materials or service charges is reached. It is the responsibility of the customer to notify the library of changes in name, address or other registration information, or of a lost library card. 


In Library Use Only
Newspapers and reference materials. Loan will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

7 days (1 week)

14 days (2 weeks)

21 days (3 weeks)
Sound recordings
Interlibrary Loan

42 days (6 weeks)
Book Club Kits

Digital library materials have a variety of loan periods based on the requirements of the subscription.

Electronic devices, such as Chromebooks and Hotspots have loan periods based on demand and availability.


Most items may be renewed twice, unless there is an outstanding request for a particular item.


  • Customers may request circulating items in the shared catalog.
  • All requests are good for 1 year/365 days from the date of request.
  • All items waiting for customer pickup in locations open 20 hours or less will be held for no more than 14 days.
  • All items waiting for customer pickup in locations open for 21 hours or more will be held for no more than 10 days.


  • LARL supports the Library Bill of Rights and the Free Access to Libraries for Minors, an interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.
  • Only parents have the right to restrict the materials or services available to children. The Library does not act “in loco parentis”.
  • Limits on materials are set by the Regional Library Director based on demand and availability.


  1. Late Fee: After 14 days overdue, late fees will be assessed. Youth, Homebound, ILL Institution, Branch or Staff do not incur late fees.
  2. Replacement Charge: After 14 days overdue, replacement charges will be assessed. If an item is returned in good physical condition, within three months of the date of payment, the replacement charges will be refunded.
  3. Damaged Materials: Charges will be assessed to replace damaged materials. Full replacement charges will also be assessed if items are returned without cases, cover artwork and/or discs intact.


In accordance with MN Statute 609.541, persons keeping library materials longer than sixty days after written notice has been given to return such items are guilty of a petty misdemeanor.


Borrowing privileges will be suspended if charges total thirty dollars ($30.00) or more. Records will be considered delinquent and charges will remain until cleared.

MN Statute 13.40 Subd. 2  Private data, Library borrowers

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) the following data maintained by a library are private data on individuals and may not be disclosed for other than library purposes except pursuant to a court order:

(1) data that link a library patron’s name with materials requested or borrowed by the patron or that link a library patron’s name with a specific subject about which the patron has requested information or materials; or

(2) data in applications for borrower cards, other than the name of the borrower.

(b) A library may release reserved materials to a family member or other person who resides with a library patron and who is picking up the material on behalf of the patron.  A patron may request that reserved materials be released only to the patron.

All calls or requests for information made by law enforcement for customer records shall be referred to the Lake Agassiz Regional Library Director. (See Also: LARL Confidential and Proprietary Information Policy).

Amended, Lake Agassiz Regional Library Board,  May 20, 2021

All library locations will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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