Lake Agassiz Regional Library strives to offer programs and services that encourage children to develop a love of reading and learning in a friendly, fun environment.
LARL employees cannot assume responsibility for children left unattended on Library premises. In order to provide for the general welfare of all persons using the Library and for the safety of children using the Library, the following policy has been adopted.
Children Under 8 Years of Age:
Parents and caregivers must be aware that libraries are public buildings and that it is not in the best interest of children to be left unattended. No public place, including the library, can guarantee the safety of children. It is required that children under eight years of age be accompanied by an adult or a caregiver when visiting the library. This parent/caregiver should be in the immediate vicinity of and in visual contact with the child. During a children’s program, it is expected that a parent/caregiver will remain in the building during the duration of the event and be present for the child at the end of the program.
Children 8 Years of Age and Older:
Due to differences in child development, some children between 8 and 10 years old may not be able to cope with being unattended. Therefore, it is recommended that children between 8 and 10 years of age be accompanied by an adult or responsible older adolescent when visiting the library. The library in no way assumes any responsibility for any child left unattended in the library.
Children age 8 or older may use the library on their own. Children using inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave the library. If a child in this age group is not able to leave the library without an adult, s/he should not be in the library alone. This is a particular concern in inclement weather and after dark. All children should have the telephone number of someone who can assist them in an emergency.
Behavior of Children:
Parents and legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their minor children in the library or on the library grounds, whether they accompany them or not. The LARL Code of Conduct established by the Library Board is posted in the building as well as on the library website. LARL does not take responsibility for children using the library.
For the child’s safety, parents or guardians are expected to make arrangements to pick children up before the library closes. Library employees, under no circumstances, shall leave the building with a child.
If an unattended child comes to the attention of library staff, staff will make a good faith attempt to contact the parent or guardian. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the child will be referred to the local law enforcement agency.
Library staff cannot be expected to monitor or prevent an unattended minor from leaving the building. Parents also must realize that library employees have no way of knowing whether a person leaving the building with the child is a family member or not.
Adopted, Lake Agassiz Regional Library Board of Trustees: December 17, 2015