This genealogy database provides a unique, growing collection of research materials for tracing family history.
FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. The popular web service has over 6 billion searchable names and 2 billion images of historical genealogical records. Many resources are freely available through, however as a FamilySearch affiliate library, additional records are available from within LARL branch library locations. A free account may be required to access some resources on
View historic publications and documents with microfilm readers at the Moorhead Public Library, Crookston Public Library, Ada Public Library and the Fosston Public Library. We offer a collection of local historical publication archives on microfilm, including the Fargo Forum, Detroit Lakes Tribune, Norman County Index, Crookston Times and more. Plus, more documents are available to request with interlibrary loan.
“When I retired one of the first hobbies I took up was genealogy… I use websites such as Find a grave, and Family Search. My research has led to finding new information that was previously recorded incorrectly in our family history. Also, I was able to find cause of death information and military records on family members that were previously unknown… I am so happy to have access to so many helpful resources at the library. Doing genealogy is a hobby yes, but it is also a valuable tool to learn and understand your family roots.” -Kim Sheldon