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Slavery’s Reach with Dr. Christopher Lehman Live Event

Join us for a live streaming event featuring historian Dr. Christopher P. Lehman!

Dr. Lehman will go live on the Lake Agassiz Regional Library Facebook page with a virtual presentation about his research. He is the author of the Minnesota Book Award winning book “Slavery’s Reach: Southern Slaveholders in the North Star State.” The eye-opening book exposes the dark history of Minnesota’s ties to southern slaveholder wealth and the connections between some of the state’s most significant institutions and some of the South’s largest plantations.

Join us on Tuesday, June 30 at 7 p.m. on the Lake Agassiz Regional Library Facebook page.

This event is made possible thanks to funding from the Minnesota Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

All library location closed after 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24 and closed Wednesday, December 25 in observance of the holiday.
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