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Teens Invited to Join K-Pop Discussion Group

Join other teens on Discord for a fun time learning about K-Pop, voting for your favorite songs and artists, and talking about all things Korean. For those who might not know, K-pop is a genre of popular music in South Korea that has been gaining popularity in the United States and includes artists such as Psy, BTS and Blackpink.

To join our discussion please click the link below to fill out this Google form with your Discord username and Discord Tag number, which is the three numbers following the # after your username, so that we can invite you to our server. Discord is a free chat app that allows people to join servers to discuss a variety of topics. Servers can vary in being public and private. The library’s K-Pop Corner server is a private server that will be monitored by three of our librarians. To get started go to, to create your free account that will allow you to join in the fun.

All library locations will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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