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Free Access to TumbleBook Library!

TumbleBook Library is offering free access to its K-6 eBook database, which helps children build reading, math and literacy skills, now through August 31, 2020. TumbleBooks’ databases are easy to use and feature unlimited access from home! Your children can read as many books as they want, when they want, and on any device. There are no check-outs, holds, or bulky downloads. Books are available instantly.

Please use the links, usernames and passwords below to get free access. Special thanks to our friends at TumbleBooks for sharing these resources.


K-6 Children’s eBook DatabaseTumbleBook Library
Username: tumble735
Password: books


K-6 Children’s Math eBook DatabaseTumbleMath
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6



Grades 7-12 eBook Database – Teen Book Cloud
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6


All library location closed after 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24 and closed Wednesday, December 25 in observance of the holiday.
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