It's time to celebrate! Join the Moorhead Public Library and the City of Moorhead for a groundbreaking celebrating the new Moorhead Library & Community Center building.
The Moorhead Community Center and Public Library is reaching a new milestone in the design process! Mark your calendars for the next open house events to hear the latest progress updates.
Attend an information session to hear more about the upcoming opportunity to approve a 0.5 percent local option sales tax to be used to fund a new Community Center/ Library in downtown Moorhead.
On November 8, Moorhead voters will have the opportunity to approve a 0.5 percent local option sales tax to be used to fund a new Community Center/Regional Library in downtown Moorhead.
What would you like to see included in Moorhead’s new regional library and community center? Citizen input is key to envisioning what this amazing place could be.
Great news! Last night the Moorhead City Council voted unanimously in favor of placing the question of a half-cent sales tax to fund a regional library and community center on the November 8, 2022 election ballot.