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New Books for Children
The Faerie Isle : tales and traditions of Ireland's forgotten folklore
A wolf called Fire
Which way around the galaxy
Murder at the museum
Ellis Island : immigration and the American dream
Bird of a thousand stories
Saphie : the one-eyed cat #1
Bite of the Kaba lagoon
Very bad at math
Telephone of the tree
The song of Orphan's Garden
Mission to Mars : can you survive in space?
Hiding in plain sight : Kate Warne and the race to save Abraham Lincoln
Amazing trees
Halfway to somewhere
Eliza and the flower fairies
Operation : cover-up
The adventures of Invisible Boy Zeroes to heroes
The fifth mage
Mack Moon and the P.E.T.S #1
London calling
How to build everything
Fighter in the woods : the true story of a Jewish girl who joined the partisans in World War II
Casey's cases The mysterious new girl
Too uncool for school
Detective Stanley and the mystery at the museum
Queen of the sea
Superstitions of
Hokusai's daughter : a young artist in old Japan = Hokusai no musume
Minecraft ideas navideñas
Trabajo en equipo : aprender de los animales
Merci Suárez se hace la lista
How to be a color wizard : forage and experiment with natural art making
Just kitten around
Weirdest animals on the planet
Our country's presidents : a complete encyclopedia of the U.S. presidency, featuring election 2024
Raining cats and dogs
Sam(ira)'s worst (best) summer
Cara de pizza
The doomsday vault
Three thieves Tower of treasure
Dogs and us : a fifteen-thousand-year friendship
Lost and found in the city
Beware the dragon and the nozzlewock : a graphic novel poetry collection full of surprising characters!
The secrets of Underhill
Gabby Torres gets a billion followers
Stand up!
Sea legs
The secret of the lost gold
Innovative octopuses, half-brained birds, and more animals with magnificent minds
Seeds of discovery : how Barbara McClintock used corn and curiosity to solve a science mystery and win a Nobel prize
It's watching
Who needs a statue?
Oddball animals : 2,501 fantastic facts about the weirdest, wackiest, and wildest creatures on earth
One girl's voice : how Lucy Stone helped change the law of the land
To walk the sky : how Iroquois steelworkers helped build towering cities
The ice apprentices
Human body : a visual encyclopedia
Death at the lighthouse
Pizza and Taco Coolest club ever!
The super-secret mission to the center of the moon (pie)
Inside the park
Girls to the front : 40 Asian American women who blazed a trail
The six : the untold story of America's first women astronauts
New Young Adult Books
The Queen's spade
Fantastic Four Grand design
The rival
X-Men epic collection 1982-1983. God loves, man kills
Batman and Robin Growing pains
The elders' quest
Where the heart should be
Some like it cold
Superman action comics Revenge of the demon
When we become ours : a YA adoptee anthology
Alpha girl
On the wings of la Noche
Batman Detective Comics. intermezzo : Batman, outlaw Gotham nocturne
Wings of starlight
All better now
I am not Jessica Chen
Batman I am Bane
The last bookstore on Earth
Daredevil Mayor Fisk
It's all or nothing, Vale
We did nothing wrong
A world worth saving
Ida, in love and in trouble
Teen Titans : the Judas contract
Where shadows bloom
Spider-Man Shadow of the Green Goblin
Breath of the dragon
Our deadly designs
Captain America The saga of Sam Wilson
The rose bargain
The scorpion queen
The Wilde trials
The sweetness between us
The romantic tragedies of a drama king
Captain America/Black Panther : flags of our fathers
Under the heron's light
Among serpents
Ditching Saskia
Rani Choudhury must die
The assassin's guide to babysitting
Mystery royale
Captain America epic collection 1991-1992. The Superia stratagem
The rules of royalty
I was told there would be romance
Daredevil modern era epic collection 2003-2004. King of Hell's Kitchen
The debutantes
This is the year
Batman. the complete collection Battle for the cowl
I am the dark that answers when you call
We got the beat
Love on paper
Recommended reading
A burning in the bones
Symbiote Spider-Man 2099
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