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New Books for Children
The dragon prince Dreamer's nightmare
The kitty-catwalk
The big splash
Breakfast across cultures : recipes from around the world
Treehouse trouble
Wrestling rivals
Tear this down
Go tell it : how James Baldwin became a writer
Oddball animals : 2,501 fantastic facts about the weirdest, wackiest, and wildest creatures on earth
Treats across cultures : recipes from around the world
Mi primer libro de criaturas fantásticas : descubre los secretos de más de 100 seres mágicos y legendarios
Hilo The great space iguana
Deadly animal atlas : amazing facts, fold-out maps, and life-size surprises
Wayne Gretzky vs. Alex Ovechkin : hockey legends face off
The professional golf encyclopedia
A kids book about neurodiversity
The Pumpkin Princess and the forever night
The professional wrestling encyclopedia
The Faerie Isle : tales and traditions of Ireland's forgotten folklore
Mushrooms and other fungi
Halfway to somewhere
An anthology of butterflies and moths
The NHL encyclopedia
Edible wild plants
Up periscope! : how engineer Raye Montague revolutionized shipbuilding
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps need some help!
Will's race for home : a western
Lunch across cultures : recipes from around the world
One wrong step
On thin ice
Pup and Dragon How to catch the Easter Bunny
Mother Mae-Eye's creature calamity
Dinner across cultures : recipes from around the world
El libro de las flores y los árboles : y otros tesoros del reino vegetal
The junior plant lover's handbook : a green thumb guide for kids
Beacon of hope : the life of Barack Obama
The labyrinth of souls
Where words come from : guide to morphology with prefixes, suffixes, and root words
Sneaking out
A kids book about grief
Track troubles
Right back at you
The world soccer encyclopedia
After ever after
Fighting the H.I.V.E. Five
Poisonous and deadly plants
The empty place
Let's learn to fish! : everything you need to know to start freshwater fishing
Green Jolene and the neighborhood swap
Speak up, Santiago!
Almost sunset
Momo Arashima duels the queen of death
The ripple effect
The final draw
Dinosaurs to chickens : how evolution works
Get well, pug
Jojo vs. middle school
Cassi and the house of memories
Heidi : a graphic novel
A study in secrets
New Young Adult Books
Teen Titans : the Judas contract
A touch of blood
Batman The war of jokes and riddles
Some like it cold
Wings of starlight
The scorpion queen
Among serpents
A burning in the bones
Batman and Robin by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason #2
One little goat : a Passover catastrophe
Daredevil Living Hell
Batman I am Bane
Unhallowed halls
Song of a blackbird
Daredevil Mayor Fisk
The otherwhere post
Unlock the dark
I was told there would be romance
When we become ours : a YA adoptee anthology
Superman action comics Revenge of the demon
Fantastic Four Grand design
We got the beat
All better now
Where shadows bloom
Where the heart should be
The rose bargain
The debutantes
X-Men Heir of Apocalypse
Recommended reading
The history of everything
Honeysuckle and bone
The rival
Ditching Saskia
A world worth saving
A song for you and I
X-Men epic collection 1982-1983. God loves, man kills
When the bones sing
Sunrise on the reaping
Alpha girl
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Blood hunt
Captain America/Black Panther : flags of our fathers
The love interest
We did nothing wrong
Shadow and tide
It's all or nothing, Vale
The romantic tragedies of a drama king
I am not Jessica Chen
On the wings of la Noche
Daredevil modern era epic collection 2003-2004. King of Hell's Kitchen
Spider-Man Shadow of the Green Goblin
Captain America epic collection 1991-1992. The Superia stratagem
Batman and Robin Growing pains
Fable for the end of the world
Ida, in love and in trouble
These vengeful wishes
Love on paper
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