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Starting a Small Business Panel at the McIntosh Public Library Scheduled on January 26

Join the McIntosh Public Library for a free panel to learn how McIntosh-area business owners turned their hobbies into successful businesses. From chippy and vintage furniture to soaps, candles, and fun funky plants to aromatherapy. Hear how they got their start and launched their one-of-a-kind shops in McIntosh. This panel will feature the following entrepreneurs:

Andrea Stordahl, Minnesota Rust
Karen Norland, Northern Prairie Aromatherapy
Katherine Howard, Howard Soap Company
Margie Illies, Ginger Junker
Meghan Palubicki, Red Poppy

This program is offered free-of-charge and no registration is required.

Wednesday, January 26 at 10 AM at the McIntosh Public Library

Due to the weather Twin Valley LINK Site is closed December 19.
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